Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Day Full of Blessings`s been a week since jim & i exchanged our wedding vows. it was a beautiful & very special day. we were so blessed to say our "i do`s" in the church, in the eyes of God & our loved ones… 

...the day was amazing too! it has different seasons in a day...rainy & sunny in an autumn season & almost winter in the night ( it was below 0 deg! ). everything went on smoothly, both in the church & in the reception. yes, i was a stressful-bride ( typical me! ), i had my sleepless nights ( thank God, i already recovered from it! i slept like a baby for a week now! ) and worst, i had a dry cough which burdened me a lot ( again, thank God, for i didn`t cough at all in our wedding ceremony! i can`t imagine if i was coughing when we were exhanging vows! hehe! ). though my family was not around, i`m still thankful to all the beautiful people who gave their support & efforts to help us. they`re our angels! God do really works in mysterious ways! He`s so good all the time! =) 

...jim is really worth the wait ( thank God, for the gift of patience! ). i'm so thankful that i found my other half in him! he's a big man with an extra big heart & i love him even more! he's my everything & i'm looking forward for an amazing life together with him! i'm so proud to be his be mrs. berg!

By Mabeth Napalinga-Berg