Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014 Minutes of the Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting 
Officer's Meeting

April 17, 2014
Bamboohut, Kirayan Sur

Attendees: Grace, Janice, Anne Marie, Lilibeth, Ralyn, Felma, Zenaida


• Reconciliation of Financial Reports

• Evaluation of Previous activities
(Sakolets Jollibee Party and Sako Batch Reunion)

Reports of collections and expenses made during the previous batch activities were individually presented and reported by Grace, Anne and your's truly. The said reports were reconciled and summarized including that of Roy's collections and expenses. Roy submitted his financial report even he was not present during the meeting. All the remaining petty cash handled were turned over to Madam President for bank deposit. The complete financial collections and updates will be posted soon after our batch auditor has received the report and is done with the auditing. Karen Dequina who handled some pledge collections and shirt orders in Manila failed to submit her report because of her own personal reasons however, we will be using her initial lists as basis of her report.

Meanwhile, we will be posting in advance the collections and pledges received so you can help us correct and clarify things if we made mistakes on our entries. For those who still want to share your blessings, pledge, pay your contributions or pay your ordered shirts, you can still do so by depositing it in our bank account or by paying it to our treasurer/ asst. treasurer.

There are still available sakolets shirts (for kids) undistributed. We apologize on this matter since we do not have yet the resources and the time to do this. For all Luzon/ Manila orders, we will be sending your kids shirts in bulk through Anne or Roy when they travel to Manila. You can meet with the in- charge person there to get your shirts. Probably Diane, Margarita, Che or Hazel Mae can receive the shirts. For the rest, please ask/request someone from your relatives or friends to get your child's sakolet shirt at the cultural hall (Roy’s Office) or at Bamboohut store in Kirayan Sur. All sakolet's shirts are for free so please claim your child's souvenir shirt.

For the SAKO batch shirts and key chains, we still have the ff available:
16 keychains available @ 65 pesos each. 
SAKO Bacth 96 shirts available (in Miagao)- size XS-3pcs; S-2pcs; L-1pc
For those interested with these sizes, please pm me.
We apologized for those who ordered the BATCH shirt after the reunion because the printing office here in Iloilo will only cater bulk orders and so far we have not reach the required orders. For those who ordered in Manila (with Karen), you can pm her on how you can claim your BATCH shirt.

The group also discussed and evaluated the previous activities. The problems encountered, challenges, weaknesses and strengths were tackled and acknowledged. It is not easy to handle the 2 -day activities with limited manpower and volunteers but we understood and we are hoping for you to understand us because of the growing responsibilities everyone has. We are all hopeful that in the next reunion we can get more volunteers to get things done perfectly as we planned. We also hope to see and meet more batchmates on our next reunion and more blessings to share with everyone.

The sakolets Jollibee party and the Sako batch reunion get together were both successful and unforgettable. Our heartfelt gratitude to all our batchmates, donors, volunteers, organizers, officers and to those in one way or the other contributed to its success. Salamat gid ti raku sa tanan.

Please feel free to comment/suggest.

Prepared by: JMMingels

Approved by: MGPAraneta

Sunday, March 16, 2014

From the Notes of F Jerand Fenis

F Jerand Fenis

Prayer of Generosity (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Lord teach me to be generous

Teach me to serve you as you deserve

To give and not to count the cost

To fight and not to heed the wounds

To toil and not to seek for rest

To labor and not to seek reward 

Save that knowing that I die
Your most holy will.

From the notes of Zenaida Funclara

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy 18th Anniversary, Sako Batch 96!


Sako Batch at 10 years.

@15 years. 

@ 18 years. And getting larger families.