Saturday, December 28, 2013

I attended the 1/4 SAKO Reunion 2013

I must admit, I am really obssessed with Sako Batch reunion. I "invite" myself even if I know I wouldn´t get any chance of attending any grand feast of the batch. But finally, after some loooong years of hoping I would drop by to be on the occasion, I had a little moment spent on the Sako reunion last December 28, 2013 at Jack and Cel resort.

I couldn´t really contain my happiness seeing some of the old acquaintances. I know, I get to talk to a few avid friends online, but it was really different feeling saying hello to Ka-Sako friends and hug them. As what we used to call them in HS, "boys and girls"…. most of us have really grown.  Really adults. There were times it might seemed a little bit awkward--- maybe because it turned many years after we could bring up a conversation or so.  Or maybe, some didn´t come on the same class, they didn´t manage to build up a little- something- to- talk- about- just- like- the- old- times. But whatever, just by "seeing them again" would cover it. I was already more than happy. 

I´ve got a few biases inside me though but those weren´t important anymore. I was just glad I get to meet some long lost friends. Well, I knew one person there whom I wanted to hug, but he was really afraid of a skin-to-skin encounter that his girlfriend would kill him. Aha! I was thinking, I could have given him a stolen kiss instead, would that kill him at once? Haha! I felt bad I haven´t spent so much time and enjoyed the whole party, for some reasons. But really, we had GOOOODDDD FOOOOODDDDD and company. I met a few of my bff´s though sooooo limited time to talk. 

But looking at the pictures during the dinner, Sako friends really had a good, quality time during the reunion. It was very cozy, casual, laid-back, no pressure, just hanging-out. I think I liked it that way. 

We can be whoever we are. I can be wearing slippers and not being critizised where in the world I came from. I still respect indifferences, though.  I know that most of us have gone to different directions, but it didn´t mean somebody is on top of another. I believe, everybody is equal. In some class gatherings where people looked at each other from head to toe--- it didn´t seem comfortable. But what really does reunion mean? Anyway, I get really sentimental writing about Sako. I am always vulnerable about Batch 96 because this is the group where I felt I really belong… and still. I really hope that Ka-Sako will be more open, more friendly to others and move on as adults. I always say, we´re not High School students anymore--- we are all people with sentiments. 

It had been 18 years since HS graduation. Wow, that´s a big number already!

Just like old times. Badz, Gra & Zheing

18 years and counting. 

Tinadz, we miss you here! (The Simp)

BFF----> Best Food Forever! 

Quite entertained. 

by: HTP 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Jollibee Sakolets Party a Huge Success!!!!!

 Above is the photo of Sakolets and Sako Mommies, Daddies, Titas and Titos. It was a very good attendance, we could hardly fit on the frame of this photo.

 Thanks to all the clothes donations, everything was sold out!

Tita Janice and Tita Gracie breaking their legs for making this event successful! And it really was!!!!! 

 Before anything else, PICTORIALS! And the Miss Universe crown goes to……….
You know who……!!!!!

 "Bring the most beautiful mommy!!!!!"

Daddy Ronald on his daily daddy duty. He run towards a photo selfie with Jollibee realizing he forgot his baby Slater. Well yes, he was on the first Jollibee picture without his son. Perfect Daddy! 

 Sakolets enjoying the company of Jollibee. They were very happy and excited to touch him. All the mommies were busy taking pictures of their kids, yes!

 And of course, Mommies too!

 They were mooooorrreeeeee excited about Jollibee. Talk about "we- didn´t- have- that- when- we- were- growing- up.."
 Mommy Gracie posing with her 2 goddaughters. They were even taller than her.

Couldn´t get enough of Jollibee. 

Just like having a huge crush on him. 

2nd hand clothes being distributed to the Sakolets. Daddies were enjoying the Ukay-ukay here. 

Wowww a lot of gifts!!!!! Thank you, Santa Claus! 


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Reuniting with Sako friends in Hong Kong

I haven´t met some of the Ka-Sako since graduation from HS. To think, it had almost been 18 years. I was also been looking forward to meet the Sakolets and this was one of my christmas wishes-- to see the kids enjoying Jollibee. But first, the long-awaited meet-up in Hongkong with Anthony Bito-onas, Ma. Luz Lemoncito and Charlyn Roque. I have been sending FB messages to them, arranging a little coffee time-- never mind the "lagaw", as long as we could have a few hours talking about what we´ve been up to since 1996.  How time flew so fast, it had really been a strong 18 years.

I first met Charlyn, Snoop (as I call Anthony) and his wife Mary Joy in one of the epic photo opp sceneries in town. Charlyn was still the same person I knew from HS. The same face--- only age is the number. I hugged her really tight, I couldn´t believe I would meet her outside PH. And Snoop.  His long manly hair blown by the wind-- I was really overjoyed seeing him and his wife. I´ve only seen their update photos in facebook, touching them was wayyyy better. I didn´t really know where to start talking. I was really overwhelmed seeing them.

Ma. Luz came after a few hours.  We had our heavy dinner and we spared her a bowl of famous chinese noodles. I got really excited meeting her as well, I didn´t remember the time I spoke to her in HS. That was my chance to finally talk to her in person and ask her how she was. All of them were pretty nice-- still HS in hearts but pretty much mature in their being. (Charlyn also tried to contact Mary Joy Fantillan but without any luck) I couldn´t explain how proud I was for them, for how they survived the challenges working abroad away from their families--- earning a living, that is. Truly, I am really happy for them. I give them my biggest respect.

Snoop, Haze and Cha at the Avenue of the Stars. Excited for Bruce Lee. 

Charlyn blowing a candle on her 35th birthday. 

No space for more. Peking duck is the specialty, Charlyn and Snoop liked it even more. 

Extra Pulutan time. Finally, MaLuz arrived. Meeting new friends and enjoying each others´ company. (my husband got drunk here) :-) 

I can´t explain how happy I am hugging them again! 18 years. (I think I was in love with them at first sight)

It was one of the nicest holidays I had so far. We only met for a few hours and I didn´t really want to end the day. But more importantly, the best part of the meet-up was to experience love from these people, their stories, awed by their strengths. I hope they´ll remain as nice, mature people-- I really loved their being, true! 

(More pictures posted in one of the Sako Batch facebook photo albums)  :-)

Contributed by,

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

SYB at Kirayan Day Care

Hi Kasako!

The SYB this morning was a success. 30 pupils received school supplies, groceries, slippers, clothes, toys and snacks. Ang Day Care nagbaton toys and educational books. The program started past 10 am and ended almost 12noon. May short program during the gift giving kung sa diin naghatag message aton Batch (thru Grace) explaining ano ang SYB and thanking the Donors sa aton Batch. Nag message man and Representative kang Barangay thanking us nga napilian ang Daycare nila kag gabay pa daw, taw-an aton Batch good health and more blessings. Lastly nagmessage man si Maam Ralyn nga nagapasalamat gid sa aton Batchmates sa pagbulig naton sa mga pobre nga kabataan. During the program, nag dance number mga bata para mapakita ang anda abilidad sa pagsaot. Nag enjoy man sanda sa mga games kag sa mga prices. 

Dealing with 30 pupils aging 2-4 years old is not a joke. Sadya kay may mga nagatantrums, may naghibi kay hindi na kajoin sa dance number kay sakit na kahig nya, may naghibi kay wara nya nakuha gusto nya nga slipper, may gapasingit kay nagutom na, may nainitan gusto na magpuli, may excited run magkaon, excited run makita mga gifts, wala run gapamati sa mga speakers, sige dalagan, saka naog, etc. Daw nagdugang ang init sa kakulitan kang mga bata pero over all, nakita gid namon sa anda mga tsura ang kalipay nga may nabaton sila nga mga gifts, school supplies, bayo kag pagkaon. It’s all because of you. You made them smile and happy, gani salamat gid sa tanan tanan. 

Thank you sa nag attend kaina bisan init ang tiempo, nagtinguha gid kamo mag adto para magbulig distribute. Special thanks gid sa tanan nga mga donors, cash man or in kind ang inyo ginshare, SALAMAT GID TI RAKO! Gabay pa you will continue to be a blessing to others.

After kang SYB, iririmaw man kami naglunch kag nag istoryahanay, catching up with the latest sa batch ta. Thank you again to everyone and hopefully next SYB rako gihapon magshare and magsupport. The best and Batch ’96! God bless everyone!

Written by:
Janice Mondragon-  Mingels