Saturday, December 21, 2013

Reuniting with Sako friends in Hong Kong

I haven´t met some of the Ka-Sako since graduation from HS. To think, it had almost been 18 years. I was also been looking forward to meet the Sakolets and this was one of my christmas wishes-- to see the kids enjoying Jollibee. But first, the long-awaited meet-up in Hongkong with Anthony Bito-onas, Ma. Luz Lemoncito and Charlyn Roque. I have been sending FB messages to them, arranging a little coffee time-- never mind the "lagaw", as long as we could have a few hours talking about what we´ve been up to since 1996.  How time flew so fast, it had really been a strong 18 years.

I first met Charlyn, Snoop (as I call Anthony) and his wife Mary Joy in one of the epic photo opp sceneries in town. Charlyn was still the same person I knew from HS. The same face--- only age is the number. I hugged her really tight, I couldn´t believe I would meet her outside PH. And Snoop.  His long manly hair blown by the wind-- I was really overjoyed seeing him and his wife. I´ve only seen their update photos in facebook, touching them was wayyyy better. I didn´t really know where to start talking. I was really overwhelmed seeing them.

Ma. Luz came after a few hours.  We had our heavy dinner and we spared her a bowl of famous chinese noodles. I got really excited meeting her as well, I didn´t remember the time I spoke to her in HS. That was my chance to finally talk to her in person and ask her how she was. All of them were pretty nice-- still HS in hearts but pretty much mature in their being. (Charlyn also tried to contact Mary Joy Fantillan but without any luck) I couldn´t explain how proud I was for them, for how they survived the challenges working abroad away from their families--- earning a living, that is. Truly, I am really happy for them. I give them my biggest respect.

Snoop, Haze and Cha at the Avenue of the Stars. Excited for Bruce Lee. 

Charlyn blowing a candle on her 35th birthday. 

No space for more. Peking duck is the specialty, Charlyn and Snoop liked it even more. 

Extra Pulutan time. Finally, MaLuz arrived. Meeting new friends and enjoying each others´ company. (my husband got drunk here) :-) 

I can´t explain how happy I am hugging them again! 18 years. (I think I was in love with them at first sight)

It was one of the nicest holidays I had so far. We only met for a few hours and I didn´t really want to end the day. But more importantly, the best part of the meet-up was to experience love from these people, their stories, awed by their strengths. I hope they´ll remain as nice, mature people-- I really loved their being, true! 

(More pictures posted in one of the Sako Batch facebook photo albums)  :-)

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